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Accounts Receivable Specialist

Smith Center, Kansas
Posted 4 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
120 Clicks


The AR Specialist will play a key role in our team, communicating clearly and effectively with our valued customers regarding billing inquiries, payment processing, and account status. This effort is all about making our financial interactions more personal, transparent, and streamlined, and we're looking for someone who can bring these qualities to the role.

Job qualifications include a spirit of hospitality, a proven ability to manage financial records, data entry skills, hands-on experience with spreadsheets and accounting software, attention to detail, a high degree of accuracy, and excellent customer service skills. The starting pay scale is $16-$18 an hour plus benefits, including health insurance and a retirement plan. Apply online at scmhks.org/careers. The position is open until filled. SCMH is an equal opportunity employer.

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