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Ranch or farm job

12664 county road v
Kismet, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 11 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 12 hours
265 Clicks


I'm looking for a farm or ranch job around kismet Ks 

I've worked at a ranch and managed feeders and watched over a cow calf operation on the same farm , I've done plenty of heavy equipment work feedyards ,doctored cattle , detected sick cattle, sorted cattle , managed feed department,wanting to learn the farm side , I'm familiar with tractors, I grew up on the farm but with newer equipment I would like to learn to. Operate , not afraid of long hours or working weekends, I have cdl no tickets , no accidents with hazmat, currently driving, I live in kismet Ks , not wanting to drive and stay out , need to be closer to my wife and kids , I missed out on a lot , please help 



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