One pup left needing her forever home!! Female #7 is still available!! $75
We have 5 Border Collie/Standard Australian Shepherd mix puppies out of a litter of 7 that need new homes!! They were born 06/14/2024, and are ready to go on 07/26/2024 or after. Mom is a blue Merle border collie and dad is a red tri standard Aussie. They will have first round of shots, dew claws were not removed.
3 female black tri’s - $150
2 female blue Merle’s - $450 SOLD!!
2 male blue Merle’s - $300 SOLD!!
Please message with any questions, thank you!
Female Blue Merle #1- Sold!
Female Blue Merle #2 - Sold!
Female #5 - Sold!
Female #6 - Sold!
All Males - Sold!