Bump stocks *Legal*

McCook, Nebraska
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Posted 3 days ago
Expires in 3 days, 23 hours
1,225 Clicks


Due to the recent Supreme Court ruling, bump stocks are now legal once again. Hence I have them for sale and for cheap. Buying a new "name brand" stock will, currently at time of writing, set you back 360$. Yes, there is no argument that they are of superior quality. However mine are unbeatable for the price.

These fun toys can be purchased as either complete or as a kit. The price for a kit is 60$ plus any necessary shipping. The price of a complete stock is 100$ plus any necessary shipping. 

You can see the imperfections in the pictures. If you can deal with function over beauty, these are right for you. 


*Please Note*

I may get backlogged. These take time to put together. Each kit has approximately 40 hours into it for printing. Each completed stock has an aditional day of sitting in a vice being glued and cleaned up. 

In terms of quality, these are 3d printed parts. A completed item has been sanded in rough areas, had all fittings sanded for fitment, and glued together. A kit is all 4 basic parts without any before mentioned steps taken. Shipping may be less on a kit due to smaller size. 

These are far from perfect. They are not injection molded. They have imperfections. 

You are purchasing this as a novelty item. Bump stocks do not increase fire rate. Bump stocks do not make a rifle fully automatic. The end product is a piece of plastic that slides around. 

I will not provide instructions, apart from you will need a file and super glue. If you do not have the basic firearm knowledge to make one of these work, not my problem. 

I am a busy guy and it may take a short while for me to get back with you. If that is the case, i apologize. 


Will trade. Ammo. Cash. Firearms. Other valuables. Make an offer for trade. 

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