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Adjunct Faculty - Dance

245 NE 30 Rd.
Great Bend, Kansas
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Posted 16 hours, 2 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 7 hours
216 Clicks
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Barton Community College seeks adjunct instructors qualified to instruct dance courses related to our Dance Instruction and Management degree. Courses include dance technique classes like Tap and Hip-Hop, Dance Composition, and Dance Kinesiology. Candidates need to be Kansas residents; however, scheduling options may vary including intensive weekends/Saturdays and/or hybrid/live online so remote instruction is possible.  Interested individuals are required to have a Master’s degree in Dance or MFA with an emphasis in Dance or Master’s degree in related field with a minimum of 18 graduate credits in Dance.  Applicants with a BFA and professional/performance experience with a company will be considered.

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