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Brussels Griffon

Rural Route
Alma, Nebraska
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Posted 5 days, 17 hours ago
Expires in 1 day, 6 hours
1,139 Clicks
Appears in
Dogs, Pets


AKC Brussels Griffon: 3 boys left  and 1 girl from $750 to  $1500 ...Shane, my son, is the one that raises the little Brussels Griffon
Thank you again for your inquiry - our family has been raising healthy, sound puppies for over 3 decades and nothing makes us happier than to place a puppy from our home to your home. (Please note that we place our puppies with new loving families as companion pets or therapy dogs and not for breeding purposes.)
Laughter is always present with a Brussels Griffon around because of their comical "monkey face" Known as the "stable E'curie" they have captured the hearts of Europeans and others   Because of their devotion and admiration they are so irresistible  The Brussels has ann outgoing personality and is quick to be your BEST FRIEND.  Wonderful personalities and excellent dispositions for a family of any type.  Please respond with your email address & cellphone number so that we can send information and pictures... 

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