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new 2024' j&m 1112x grain cart $95k special

Dighton, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 5 hours
615 Clicks


THIS PRICE INCLUDES THE $3,000.00 J&M REBATE, IF PURCHASED BEFORE END OF FEB.2025',, just came in 5-24, new 1112x j&m grain cart, extendend and forward reaching,, green, patriotic decals, 1100 bushel, scales, tarp, alliance lug singles, swivel ball hitch pin hole, $117,000.00 retail list trading price,, now $95,000.00 cash and carry special,,  and can deliver for outright deals within 100 miles of lci,,, call russel kuhlman at lane county implement, dighton ks, 620-397-5335, or message from this sight,, but no texting available,,

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