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Double Cattle Loadout Chute - - - Dual loading chute

Zurich, Kansas
Posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Expires in 0 minutes
323 Clicks


Price of steel has dropped! 


Under $6,500? as of  November 2024. (Was $7,500)  The price of steel is crashing

Order one now before the price of steel increases again! 

Dual load out cattle chute for loading up into a Semi trailer, or divert the cattle into a low entrance trailer behind your pickup. 

Access gates behind each trailer. 

20 foot overall length.

Single alley entrance with a diverter gate.

Steps and bar-grate walkway on semi trailer side.

(The picture shows an old catwalk, not the new bar-grate design. Picture is from one of the first ones I built. I can't find my new pictures.) 

Delivery available! I can set it exactly where you want it. 

Built from all new materials, and I'm still cheaper than those using old oilfield pipe! 

This is built to order. I don't keep one in stock.

(If material arrives on time, I can get one built in 3 weeks from when you order.) 

Message on here. 

PLANS AVAILABLE at widevisionmetalfab.com if you want to build your own!

Wide Vision Metal Fab in Zurich KS


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