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Great Bend, Kansas
Posted 3 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
240 Clicks


   These were made about 20 years ago but were never up for sale.  They are top notch solid.  Bats love mosquitos!  The small one measures 7" x 16".  The larger ones are double chambered and they all have mesh installed to help them climb around and will hold over 100 bats easily.  The brown one is 17x24 and the 2 big ones are 27 x 27. A friend of mine made these and i don't think you'll find better built ones anywhere.  Small one is 10.00  Brown one is 30.00 and the two bigger ones are 40.00.  Bargain prices and they are firm. If interested text or leave a message at 620-786-4353. You can also message me here.I couldn't make a link so if you want to learn the benefits of bats cut and paste this: Going Bats! The Benefits of Bat Houses on Your Homestead 

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