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Minneapolis Moline G Tractor

1133 1st Rd.
Wilson, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 17 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 6 hours
1,908 Clicks


We bought this a couple years ago thinking one of the boys would take an interest in doing a restoration but guess that's not going to happen.  This is a great running tractor, nothing wrong with the engine which we serviced when we got it.  The serial number plate is missing so I don't have any idea what year it is.  We put a good used rim and a new tire and tube on the right side, the left side could use at least a rim.  Fenders are in decent shape and has one set of hydralics, also has new vapor and liquid valves on about a year ago.  I purchased this tractor from my cousins estate so the tractor has been in the family for several years. Call 785-658-3687 and leave a message, I will get back with you or contact me through this site.  Local pickup only.  Offers Considered.

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