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Draft horse mare team for sale

Beloit, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 21 hours ago
Expires in 4 days, 2 hours
4,328 Clicks


I have a couple of Percheron cross mares. They are half sisters. One is 5 and one is 7. One is 17. 2 hands and the other is 18 hands.  We have used them both in harness, I just don't have enough time for them. They have just been in the pasture lately. I have used the bay a lot for driving single, double, three abreast, and riding, the darker one has made a great brood mare. They have both been exposed to a stud. They are both great brood mares.  Have dropped some great foals. Would prefer to sell them together. $8,000 obo for the pair 

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