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608 East 13th
Hays, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 7 hours ago
Expires in 16 hours, 36 minutes
1,432 Clicks



A Large Warehouse/ Light Industrial with Three Loading Docks!!

This Warehouse/Light Industrial has 33,840 square feet with 14’ to 15’ exterior wall height. The total area is metal on steel construction, heated and cooled with insulated walls and ceilings.  Most of the area was constructed in 1973. An addition of 3,780 was added in 2001.  The south side of the building is a heated and cooled warehouse also constructed in 1973.  The building has 15 ft. exterior wall height and has wet sprinklers, three dock high doors, and one 12 ft tall automatic overhead door.

This building sets on 1.9 acres and provides a large parking lot for employees.

For more information call Advanced Real Estate Co., Hays, KS, Lyn Klein, Broker, 785-432-3322 or Luke Scoby, Agent, 785-650-3237.

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