We have a litter of South African Mastiffs, known as Boerboels. These kids will be ready for their new forever homes after Feb. 1st. I have 5 females and 2 males available of various colors. They come from champion lines with a fantastic pedigree. They will be eligible for registration with AKC and SABBS. both parents are health tested and appraised. Pups are microchipped, age appropriate vaccinations, vet check, and multiple de-wormings. This breed makes excellent family dogs with a natural protection built in. This is a protective/large breed dog and will be between 150-190 lbs when fully grown, so having experience with large breed would be a must, but they are so worth it! Will have even temperament and great bone and muscle structure! Can deliver or pickup. KBZ Kennels is on Facebook so check us out, or email at kbzkennels@gmail.com for more pics of available pups.