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Colonel Brassy

Ellis, Kansas
Posted 1 week, 5 days ago
Expires in 0 minutes
493 Clicks


If you are a motorcyclist over 30 years old, then you know what this is.  Some friends and I went in together and bought some Colonel Brassy in bulk and saved a few bucks.  Normally $16.95 (and going up) retail on most places.  We have 2 bottles left.  
A little bit of this stuff goes a long, long way.
Retail:  $16.95
Buy one:  $14.00
Buy both:  $25.00

If you don't know what Colonel Brassy is, it's old school chrome cleaner that has no equal.  Here's a video of a youtuber; yep, it works that good.


Check out the video.  ^^^

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