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2023 Can-Am Defender HD7

Wichita, Kansas
Posted 11 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
332 Clicks




The Defender is tough enough to handle any task. When you have industry-leading towing capacity and storage space, heavy work gets a whole lot lighter. Perfect for farming, hunting or exploring.

Features may include:


Choose from a range of accessories that make hard work easier. Attach a plow to clear your own driveway. Or a winch to pull yourself out of a sticky situation. Instantly adapt for any task ahead.


Add some LinQ accessories and you’ll be working smarter in no time. LinQ gives you room to pack more tools and carry more cargo. Easy on, easy off, pack 'em up and stack ‘em up.


Pump up the jam with premium audio accessories that make your Can-Am sing. They're easy to install, plus they're powerful and durable. The audio roof makes work feel better with 6 speakers of total bliss.

Interior Comfort

Comfort isn’t just about the driver's seat. It’s advanced comfort for all day group riding. Intuitive cockpit with optimized visibility and additional lateral support with reinforced seat skin make for effortless hopping in and out. Underside hooks, Flip-up seat and adjustable driver's seat? You got those too. Comfort is king.

Features an automatic & a variable compressor mode that improves efficiency. Dial in heating, ventilation or air conditioning to keep the cabin temperature exactly how you like and lock in that temperature with the painted full doors.

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