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Beretta 12 GA, Ithica 20 GA, Winchester 12 GA, and Sears 12!

Wichita, Kansas
Posted 1 year, 5 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
156 Clicks


This is a package deal you won't want to miss.  Total of 4 shotguns: 3 12 gauges, and 1 20 gauge. Family emergency and need to sell immediately.  There is as follows: BERETTA AL391 URIKA 12 GA, ITHICA MODEL 37 FEATHERLITE 20 GA, WINCHESTER MODEL 1897 12 GA, AND A J.C. HIGGINS SEARS AND ROE BUCK MODEL 20 12 GA.  THESE ARE ALL IN AWESOME GREAT WORKING ORDER.  PLZ CALL 316-866-0576 FOR MORE INFO.  PICK UP ONLY, NO TRADES, AND CASH ONLY.  THANK YOU AND HOPE TO HEAR FROM YA

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