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Nurse cow and calves

Lindsborg, Kansas
Posted 1 year, 2 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
354 Clicks


Dancer is a 4-year-old purebred Holstein cow just came fresh on 7-20-23. After calving at the dairy, she was producing around 10 gallons of milk a day. This is on the lower end for the dairy, and they turned her into a nurse cow. Currently she has four big calves on her that are always with her. Pikel is a purebred Holstein heifer born on 8/21, Oliver is a Holstein heifer that was born on 8-12, Sissy is a Holstein heifer born on 9-6, and number 90 is a half Angus Half Holstein bull calf born on August 26th. Dancer has been running back with a Hereford bull or Registered Holstein Bull Galoway at the dairy, but I am offering her as open and have not preg checked her. All the calves that are currently on her are breeding quality and the crossbred steer would be a nice future locker beef. Dancer is on the bonier side of a Holstein and does eat a bucket of 22% dairy ration morning and evening along with alfalfa, brome, and milo stalk bales available at all times. Dancer is not halter broke but is super gentle and would not take much to halter break her and will take anything as her own in terms of calves. She is a cow that does like to be always with her calves without separating. She will call to them all day if not together. Huge potential here! Once these calves are weaned in a few weeks I would personally put some angus calves on her at least 4 every 10 weeks until she is two months from calving. The calves she has on her would also be stellar future nurse or milk cows and are also gentle. She is a large cow that is going to be a baby raising machine. Located in Lindsborg Kansas. Call or text Emma at 785-294-1702. 

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