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Dutch shepherd mix
Posted 1 year, 6 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
360 Clicks
This sweet boy is looking for a new home. We brought him home as a rescue but he is not a good fit for our family. The good: he is potty trained as long as you take him out. He will not tell you if he needs out, but I just take him out 3-4 times a day and have no trouble. He is leash trained. Does great on his walks! He is laid back. Very relaxed. Likes to be at you feet or in the same room just lounging. He doesnt mind my cat. The bad: he tolerates other dogs but not if they get in his face. That being said, he has never been aggressive toward a dog when weve been out for our walks. Never even barks at them. Just looks at them as we walk past. He seems timid with men. Not aggressive but seems afraid with a deeper harsh tone.he also seems gun shy. He doesnt seem to be bothered too much by thunderstorms but was a tad nervous with fireworks and a gun shot at a track meet. I would also recommend that he not be in a house with smaller kids. My kids are very young and he does ok but has been annoyed if they try to play too much. He is not really a playful dog. He gets happy and excited in the morning when we let him out of his crate and to go for walks otherwise he is a couch potato. The reason he is being rehomed is because my family needs a pet they can play with. The shelter estimates he is a little over a year old based on his tooth health. He is neutered and utd on vaccinations. 785-259-5917