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Veterinary Technician needed.

801 W, Holme St.
Norton, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 4 hours ago
Expires in 19 hours, 59 minutes
2,076 Clicks


Full time position available at Norton Animal Health Center, Ltd. Norton, Kansas, for a Certified Veterinary Technician. Duties include assisting veterinarians in a mixed animal veterinary practice primarily with small animal treatment and care, managing boarding facilities, as well as laboratory and clerical tasks. Opportunity to assist with processing cattle both at the clinic and on farm but will not be required. We are a family oriented practice that seeks to provide quality care for our clients and a rewarding work environment for our employees with benefits of paid CE, IRA, vacation and sick leave. We are looking for someone who enjoys the satisfaction of a job well done. Please send all inquires and resumes to whitedvms@yahoo.com attn. Aaron White, DVM or call 785-877-2411 for more information.

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