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Garage Sale

Hays, Kansas
Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
289 Clicks
Appears in
Garage Sales


  • Fri, May 12th 4 a.m. - 7 a.m.
  • Sat, May 13th 8 a.m. - midnight


WHEN: Friday, May 12 4:00-7:00
               Saturday, May 8-12
WHERE: 3203 Fort Hays,Ks
A variety of items from hard back books (many Josh Grisham, Josh Morrow, & so many others), bike rack, sound bar, misc furniture (chair, clocks, shelves, mirror), dishes, crystal, luggage, garage items, lawn chairs, turkey blind, organizing items, office supplies, lots of frames, photo pages, kids toys & books. Will update as continue to gather.

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