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For Sale: 20' DMI 3 section NH3 bar

Bushton, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 3 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 20 hours
866 Clicks


For Sale: 20' DMI 3100 3 section, NH3 bar, 4"x4", 3 ranks, CAT 3 three point hitch, front gauge wheels, dual acting fold cylinders, rear NH3 hitch.

This bar has had a 3 rank added to the rear of the orginal bar, this allows for 15"-18" row spacing of the the row units. 

I have a complete Hiniker NH3 Super Cooler with monitor set up that can be added to this bar for an additional $950. 

Location: Bushton, KS

Price: $500 OBO

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