FIREWOOD sold by the tote full

Tribune, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 5 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 18 hours
710 Clicks


Thank you so much for your continued support.

DJSmitty # 620 502 0096

This is all locally sorced split and thrown into totes. The amount that's usually tossed into a 8 foot pickup bed is what I call a thrown half cord.

Each tote holds what would amount to half cord

I like the totes they stack well and I can fit 6 totes or cords on a 16 foot car hauler.

Minimum of 6 totes for a delivery order. I take cash upon delivery.

No Checks, No Venmo, No PayPal and No IOU. 

You would need to have the ability to unload forked tractor firklift or skid steer is ideal.. Some of these totes can weigh over 800 pounds depending on the mix. I don't sort by specific species of wood all totes are mixed. Elm is the predominant species.

I sell $150 you pick up individually off my lot located in Horace KS 67879. 

If your wanting 6 totes or more delivered within 50 miles of my Horace KS location the price will vary so call or text and we can negotiate.

Minimum of 6 totes for delivery. 

Call for availability 

620 502 0096 DjSmitty 


Thanks again for the support.



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