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Black angus bull calf

Lindsborg, Kansas
Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
112 Clicks
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JEM Farms is offering a 3-week-old black Angus bull calf named WILL. He just came off a slaughtered cow on Thursday morning which means he did have colostrum from the cow and did suck off the cow until pulled after 3 weeks. Currently weighs 110 pounds and is incredibly thick! He is aggressive on the bottle and will be eating whole milk protein formula from Country Campion. He has been vaccinated with Inforce 3, Enroflex, and Bose. I did include a video of him drinking the bottle along with our vaccination procedure. He is guaranteed to be scour-free, has no cough, no runny nose, is 100% healthy, and has no issues. All the calves are under a big shed with access to two separate straw shelters with heat lamps to allow them to go out or stay in the warmth while going out to the calf pen in sun. WILL is in Lindsborg Kansas at JEM Farms. To schedule a time to see him or any of the other babies we have listed please call or text 785-294-1702.

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