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1770 John Deere XP row unit parts

Beloit, Kansas
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Posted 2 days, 1 hour ago
Expires in 4 days, 22 hours
1,370 Clicks


These parts came off a 24 row JD 1770 (with short parallel arms). Going to precision planting parts and looking to find a home for these used parts (20,022 acres on planter). Buy all, or some.

Full assembly includes (price above): mini hopper, row clutch, cable, seed tube, seed sensor, vacuum hose, frog with fertilizer tube in front. OBO (have enough full assemblies for 12 row planter).

row clutch: $400/row, mini hopper: $75/row, air bag w/frame: $25/row SOLD, short arm cable: $30/row, hex gear: $50/row SOLD, seed tube and sensor: $25/row, vacuum hose: $10/row, frog: $5/row, drag chain/brackets: $5/row, rubber closing wheel: $5/wheel SOLD!

Also have other parts that will sell separately like wiring harness ($10/row), hydraulic motors ($500/motor), air compressor/tank ($600), etc. 

Buy individual parts if needed. Call/text for individual prices on those items 785-534-9652

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