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EMT/AEMT Full-Time Position

Stockton, Kansas
Posted 1 year, 11 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
38 Clicks


Come join our team at Rooks County EMS! We are offering full-time EMT & AEMT positions at our Stockton,KS and Plainville,KS locations. Rooks County EMS provides vacation/sick leave, health benefit package, and 401K. Applicants must hold a current Kansas EMS certification and valid Kansas Driver's license. Interested candidates can obtain applications from Rooks County EMS at 115 S Walnut, Stockton KS 67669 or by calling (785)-425-6703. Applications can also be found on our website at: https://www.stocktonks.com/2181/Employment. Rooks County EMS offers competitive wages and is an EOE.

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