Busenitz Brothers Custom Haying

Newton, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 15 hours
2,237 Clicks


Currently booking jobs for this spring and summer. We do about any kind of swathing or baling including brome, prairie hay, triticale, wheat straw, cornstalks (+$1/bale), milo stalks, sudan, etc. and we make multiple sizes of bales. We have an economical solution to baling cornstalks where we get most of the residue without the expense of swathing or shredding. Let us know what you want done and we'll work something out. 

Swathing ...............….......$18.00/acre

4x5 Round Bales....…........$12.00/bale

4x6 Round Bales.......…....$14.00/bale

5x6 Round Bales.....…......$16.00/bale

Gathering and moving bales to edge of field.……………………....$5.00/bale

We can do all or one as you require. Bales can be twine tied or net wrapped. We can also do the baling on shares if you prefer or we will cash rent your hay ground. We operate mostly in the Harvey, Sedgwick, and Butler county area, however we are willing to travel for the right job. References available. Thanks. 

Nathan 316-253-6603
Ben 316-737-7993

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