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Sweet Labernese Dog

Kanopolis, Kansas
Posted 2 years ago
Expires in 0 minutes
343 Clicks
Appears in
Dogs, Pets


Storm is a big, beautiful and very sweet Labernese dog. He is around 3 years old. He is up to date on everything. We were raising Bernese Mountain dogs and Bernedoodles. We decided to try and have a litter of Labernese. Labernese is 1/2 Lab and 1/2 Bernese Mountian dog. Storm would make a great family dog. He just loves attention and loves to give hugs. If you think you would be interested in adding Storm to your family. Please reach out. Storm would be great with children and other animals. Just because Im not asking anything for him, doesnt mean I wont be selective where he goes. Storm has a gentle soul and a soft heart, he need just the right family.

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