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German handguns

North Topeka, Kansas
Posted 1 year, 11 months ago
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897 Clicks


German Dreyse Model 1907, imperial forces during WW1, designed by Louis Schmeisser named after Nikolaus con Dreyse. Early variant. Will need C&R or FFl for any of these. $400can call or text 7858176885 thanks.Astra 600 with holster, nazi marked, all matching except the holster, nice wood grips, 2 mags, around 10450 of these were only delivered to the Germans with the WA stamp. $900. FN Browning 1922 Commercial version it's estimated less than 10% of the sales were marked with the upside down triangle punch on the rear, phosphated magizine, matching numbers, non import marked, nazi German police marked, $800

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