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Certified Coast-to-Coast carport dealer: prices coming down!

3420 10th St.
Great Bend, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 16 hours
1,574 Clicks


Youngs Auto Sales' family-run car lot has been in Great Bend for nearly 30 years, but did you know we are also a certified Coast-to-Coast carport dealer? There are many shapes, sizes and colors to choose from - from a single car cover to barns and buildings - and the prices have FINALLY come down significantly after a big increase in the last two years.

Just give us a call (no texts please!) at 620-282-0119 to make an appointment for a quote. You can also check out our website at  http://www.youngsautoks.com or check us out on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/youngsautosales Thank you!

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