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Eldon Smith

Phillipsburg, Kansas
Posted 2 years, 2 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
83 Clicks


Great, clean trailer. Living area is insulated, paneled and carpeted. Has 3 outlets and an air conditioner that is two years old and works great. Has a boot box for storage and used to step up to nose of trailer. There is a door that connects the horse area to the front. Tires are in good shape and two are less than a year old. It has a mid tack with 3 swing out saddle holders with hooks and brush holder. It is white with blue and silver design. There is some rust showing. It has drop down windows on the front siade and plexi glass that does slide out on the butt side. The floor is in great shape and has mats.  The trailer pulls very easy.  When we pull to a barrel race in McCook we sleep four of us. We purchased it new. Price is $8,000.00 and we are going to include our small dorm size refrigerator with it. shelleyjos@Yahoo.com,

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