SALE--Tar River 55" SAYA-505 No-Till Food Plot Grain Drill

2339 Commercial Ave
Beloit, Kansas
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Posted 1 day ago
Expires in 5 days, 23 hours
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Tar River 55" No-Till Light Duty Drill ...    $6200 IN STOCK
Tar River Implements introduce the SAYA-505, a 55" cost effective Light Duty No-Till Drill with front coulter package.  2 separate boxes, one with 7 Large seed and other with 7 Legume cups allow for precise seeding in a no-till operation. Stainless steel hoppers prevent rust and keep your drill in fine working shape for years to come. Category I and II quick-hitch. 7.5" Spacing. Will NOT plant Native Grasses.

Call Jon @ 785-738-0340

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