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Urgent: Free to good home, Lab Mix

WaKeeney, Kansas
Posted 2 years, 5 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
407 Clicks
Appears in
Dogs, Pets


Ruger: 2 year old, intact, lab mix (1/2 English lab, 1/2 Husky, Heeler, Australian Shepard mix). Gets along will with both dogs and cats. High energy and loves to be outside and run around. Doesn't know how to fetch. Kennel trained. Will be remhomed with his kennel, full bag of food, and slow feeder bowl. 
Rehoming due to me moving and I don't believe him living in a small camper would be in his best interest. 
please contact me at 913- two zero two- 2160 for more information or any questions. 

I would be more than happy meet you if you live outside the western Kansas area

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