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New Side-Cut High Reach Boom Skid Steer Tree Saw

2339 Commercial Ave
Beloit, Kansas
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Posted 16 hours, 3 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 7 hours
3,141 Clicks


Our side cut saw is designed to clear overhead branches and brush from the ease of your skid steer seat or tractor with a  bucket.  The average overhead reach is approximately 20' of effective cutting. It's capable of cutting a 7" branch without repositioning. Our Saw is designed to run on standard flow. The head assembly can be easily removed to accept our upcoming rotary drum mulcher.


Flow Rate:                               16-25 GPM

Boom Length:                           8'

Blade Diameter:                       20"

Maximum Hydraulic Pressure  3200 PSI


Call Jon @ 785-738-0340


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