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John Deere 42" Rim for 8000 Series 4WD Tractor

35626 W 111th South
Milton, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 16 hours
2,156 Clicks


John Deere 42" rim taken off 8770 4WD tractor. This rim has a small burr or gouge 1-2 inches long on outside rim surface - was taken off and replaced with a new one by John Deere. Could be ground, welded, and painted and would have a like new rim. See closeup picture.

Measurements: 18 1/8" wide inside flange (bead seat), 19 3/4" outside to outside width, 10 hole pattern, 4" center to center, 11" diameter center hole for hub.

Call Roger at Three 1 Six - Seven 72 - Two 8 4 Three.

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