1984 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Chevy 305 HO V8 Auto For Trade

Decatur, County
Oberlin, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 2 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 21 hours
12,372 Clicks


For Trade Only, ...   (See below for what I would trade it for.)  

Good clear title.  

1984 Camaro Z28   

5.0 Liter HO V8 (305)   Auto Tranny   

Red exterior   Tan interior   

130,000 original miles.   (It had 84,000 on it when we got it.) 

All Factory Original except seat apolstry. 

Front bucket seats and rear seats were reapolstered in 1994 with tan cloth because I just didn't like that original itchy gunnysack material.  :)  

The carburetor was rebuilt in 1995 by a certified mechanic. 

In winter of 1995/1996 it was lightly rear ended, as seen it the one photo. Broke the spoiler on the trunk lid, driver's side taillight lense, and wrinkled the plastic bumper shell. No other damage.  

I went to 'college' for 8 years in 1997 and I left the Camaro parked at the farm where I grew up. It was running good when I left home and quit driving it. I was still driving it every day up until I went to college. It has been sitting right where I took these pictures ever since. 

I don't even know what it's worth. I always figured I'd play with it again some day, but I will never mess with it after all. Too many things more important than a car from my childhood. So I just don't need to keep it around any longer. 

I would trade for a Quinstar Fallow Master.   21 Or 28 foot.  (Preferably a 21 footer.) 

Or I might trade for a 5 or 6 bottom undercutter. Flex King, Sunflower, Krause, Richardson, etc... Gotta be in real good shape. 5 foot blades with late style treaders. Or maybe no treaders at all if it's in excellent shape. 

Or I might trade for a small front wheel assist compact, or subcompact tractor. Maybe. Depends on what it is. 



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