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Rubber Tire Tanks

Culbertson, Nebraska
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Posted 4 days, 10 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 13 hours
2,547 Clicks


                                       Rubber Tire Tanks

Discount on full truckloads delivered. Plan ahead for upcoming NRCS contracts with neighbors and reap the savings! 

Tire Tanks are indestructible and have a lower freezing temp which means less time breaking ice. 


Sizes available

6' Rubber Tire Tank - 900lbs holds 350 Gallons  $550

8' Rubber Tire Tank - 2000lbs holds 750 Gallons $650

10' Rubber Tire Tank - 3000lbs holds 1000 Gallons $800

12' Rubber Tire Tank - 4000-5000lbs holds 1400 Gallons $1,000

13' Rubber Tire Tank - 4500-6000bs holds 1800 Gallons $1,100


This product is available in-store only, call (308) 350-0034 for details and shipping options.

Available at Livewire Fence Supply
"Your Regenerative Grazing Resource"

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