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Farmall W9 IHC International Starter Farm Tractor Needed

Decatur, County
Oberlin, Kansas
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Posted 5 days, 10 hours ago
Expires in 1 day, 13 hours
1,735 Clicks


I need a starter for a Farmall W9 tractor. Back in the 40's and early 50's. Has to be for the W9. The M's and H's are different. If you have a W9 starter (or 2 or 3 or a whole lot of them) I'd be interested in buying them. I do chores every day with these W9's and need to rebuild a starter for one and like to have 1 or 2 on hand for when I'll need them. So I would be interested in whole starters or even starter parts. Contact me through here or text me at 7854seven57three9O.  I don't have good cell phone reception out here so if you text me I'll call you back soon as I can. Thanks!! 

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