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New Bison NB120-300 Tractor 3pt. Blade 10' Wide, 3-Way

2339 Commercial Ave
Beloit, Kansas
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Posted 4 days, 21 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 2 hours
2,400 Clicks


Bison 3pt Heavy Duty NB120-300 Blade
3 Cylinders for Angle, Tilt and Offset .... $3995 IN STOCK
NB Series Features
•  For a wide range of grading applications from road leveling to dam maintenance.
•  Models offered for different size tractors ranging from 65-120 HP.
•  The NB Series is capable of lateral and tilt movements by either manual or hydraulic adjustments.
•  The Blade can rotate 360 Degrees without unhooking equipment.
•  Both the tilt and swing adjustments can be accomplished without changing or moving cylinders, as in other models.


Call Jon @ 785-738-0340



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