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9750 John Deere---low hours

Saint John, Kansas
Posted 2 years, 7 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,503 Clicks


02 9750 STS....one season on Deere reman complete engine...  Radial 800 Firestones at 95%.. LED lights.....shedded when not in use .... Was father's pet combine.. when he retired I bought it and kept it in play as the spare combine and used when we had enough help... It has enclosed front and rear beaters in it which gives more capacity and makes it ultra smooth... ... Has a new feeder chain, wear strips, feed acc. blades, dr chains, chaffer, sieve, and chopper hammers .... Never been in corn... Very well maintained...won't find one as nice.... 100% field ready... ...Call or txt Jason 620-546-4445

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