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Meat Bundles πŸ–

Kendall, Kansas
Posted 3Β years, 1Β month ago
Expires in 0Β minutes
64 Clicks


Our family will be headed across the state for Thanksgiving travels on Tuesday (11/23) and delivering meat along the way! 

Starting in Syracuse, going through Great Bend, Larned and Ellsworth (drops in these locations) --> then getting on I-70 all the way to KCK! 

If you live in Salina, Abilene, Junction City, Topeka, Lawrence or Kansas City --> we will have a drop in each location! 🌿 

All of our beef is 100% grassfed. Raised from birth to butcher on our farm. We are slowly transitioning pieces of our farm ground to organic and use holistic practices with our animals! None of the livestock we butcher have ever had an antibiotic in their lifetime πŸƒ 

Pigs are pasture raised, grazing with the cows certain times of the year, supplemented with a grain ration made right here on the farm 🚜 

Mixed meat bundles available for Christmas packages! Or pick only pork or beef bundles πŸ– 

Ground beef is $5/lb but we are giving a 10% discount for ground beef orders over 20 pounds πŸ™Œ

We also do regular, local deliveries here in SWK (Garden, Ulysses, Scott City, Syracuse, Johnson, Tribune, Leoti, Hugoton, Sublette, Cimarron, Lakin) πŸ₯©

Text Caitlyn Willhaus to place your order today 620-451-0050 🌿

The Modern Menagerie
Kendall, KS 
License #2065
We are on the SKF website πŸŽ‰

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