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AQHA Deluxe Kids Horse
Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
155 Clicks
Cinders is one of the good ones. She takes amazing care of the little people we love and want to share the joy of horses with.
I have a million pictures and videos upon request. She really has no bad habits. She is the same horse whether you rider her everyday twice a day or give her 3 years off. She truly is amazing. I’ve taught a lot of kiddos to ride on her and she’s never missed a beat or taken a wrong step. Helped many kids gain confidence.
She has all the bells and whistles when it comes to her training. A confident skilled kiddo can do every aspect of cattle/ranch work on her. She can go anywhere and do anything they ask of her. A beginner kiddo or novice level rider can plug along with her with ease and no fear of misbehavior.
Parade safe
Water safe(loves to swim)
Gentle-lady for the farrier
Trail safe
Barrels and poles
Ranch work
Dog safe
Goat safe
Cow safe
Poultry safe
You name it she is safe.
She has never let us down. We just feel it greedy to keep all the good kids horses for ourselves when we have so many already. Our kids are advanced riders and it’s another families turn to love her and watch their kids grow on her.
Thank you