Swathing and baling shredding

2218B SE 10 St
Kingman, Kansas
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Posted 8 hours, 9 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 15 hours
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 Swathing with disc head or draper Round baling (raking extra if needed)  big net wraped bales. We have 3 swathers 2 with disc heads DWA's and 30ft draper's and one sickle swather. We also run 2 round balers we can also move hay to the edge for $4 bale with a stinger slide off . Over 30yrs in the business i have references if you need them. We can travel just about anywhere for the right amount of acres . We will do hay on shares also if it's something I can use. Special pricing for large acres and new customers! Harold @ 620-532-1763 

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