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Charolais black Angus cross bred 2.5yr old cow

Norwich, Kansas
Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
433 Clicks


2.5yr old Charolais/Blk Angus cross cow for sale. 

In perfect health, nothing mental/ physically wrong with her, I just don’t want to feed her another yr before she makes a profit. Her mother/sisters added great size to my herd.
Broke to bucket, loves cubes but never spoiled been on grass pasture only. **

Black hard feet, great udder, easy keeper, gets pushed around in my herd. 
DOB- 3/21/19
In w/ red wngiw bull starting May 29th.

cash/No trades -email me first give your number.

**Update-posdibly bred 6/7 so price went up. will be able to verify pregnancy, at my expense in 6-8wks. 

**Cow, angus, Charolais, heifer, cattle

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