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Hesco L210 Special Threat Body Armor Plate Set NEW

Jasper, Georgia
Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
232 Clicks


So I need suspension work on my car and I have to let these go at a loss just to move them.

This is for a set, (2 plates total) of, Hesco L210 Special threat armor plates. Price is firm, I will not take less. Cash only

The L210 is neither a Level 3 or Level 4 plate. It’s what’s called a Special Threat Plate. The National Institute of Justice, which rates armor plates, defines a Level 3 plate as one that will stop 7.62×51 M80 ball and a Level 4 plate as one that will stop 30-06 M2 AP (NIJ 0101.06).

But what if you aren’t really concerned about full-powered rifle threats like M80 ball? Most militaries have been moving to intermediate cartridges over the last few decades, as have most civilian shooters and law enforcement agencies. And this is reflected in crime; most criminals and active shooters in recent history have used either handguns or intermediate rifle calibers. Also, some Level 3 plates are not able to stop M855 ball due to it’s mild-steel armor penetrating core. They weren’t designed with this threat in mind.

Therefore, some companies sell “Special Threat” plates – plates designed around a special threat not covered by the NIJ standards. The L210 is an example of this plate; it drops M80 ball protection, but stops several AR-15 and AKM light armor-penetrating rounds.

How does the L210 stand up to different rounds? Consult the Threat Matrix on the Technical Specifications sheet for details. Basically here is how it breaks down (per round type, not combined):
5.56x45mm-M193: 3150 ft/s (6 hits)
7.62x39mm-M67: 2390 ft/s (6 hits)
5.56x45mm-M855/SS109: 3150 ft/s (6 hits)
7.62x39mm-M43 (Mild Steel Core): 2390 ft/s (3 hits)
7.62x39mm-API: 2390 ft/s (1 hit)

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