These are only once used Heavy Duty Styrofoam Coolers which we receive weekly supplies of prepackaged dinners inside of. They're extremely thick & Heavy Duty obviously in order to keep the meals inside frozen for many hrs up to a few days w/ a large piece of dry ice inside. After a few months, we're now up to our eyeballs in these coolers so we thought we'd offer them on here for lake goers & weekend drinkin beer warriors alike since we can vouch for their superior insulation abilities. I've not personally tested this but from very dedicated past experience lol I can say they would easily hold 2 - 30stones or very likely up to 3 - 24pks w/plenty of room for ice to spare. We're listing for $10ea or $5ea if purchasing 2 or more. We currently have between 10-12 but will get new ones each week. If you're interested call(preferably txt if possible)Aftan or Tyler @ 785-656-2245 or 785-259-9044 at any reasonable hr of the day.
I'll list internal/external dimensions below:
External dimensions: H - 15" x W - 18.25" x L - 22.25" Thickness of Cooler Walls - 1.5"
Internal dimensions: H - 12" x W - 13.25" x L - 19.25"