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Farm fresh home raised beef

Riley, Kansas
Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
283 Clicks


We still have available an entire steer for beef for sale with locker date in late May 2021 at Clay Center offsite- Junction City.  Will sell 1/4, 1/2 or entire steer.  Steers are out of red angus herd/sire and provide excellant marbling and thus flavor in the beef.  
You pay us $3.50/pound hanging; upon harvest, and payment of the amount due, we notify the locker of your purchase; you then make arrangements with them for your cuts and packaging and payment for your proportion of the locker fees.  References available.  Nonrefundable deposit required to hold your portion until payment in full upon harvest and before release through locker.  

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