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rock,sand,dirt,landscape rock

1298 A Bison Rd.
Hays, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 5 hours
3,199 Clicks


1/4-1/2 Chip seal rock, landscape rock which consists of, 11/2 -2 egg rock, 3/4-1 egg rock,  11/2 green limestone rock, pea gravel, red shale- baseball field dirt. 3/4, 1, 11/2, 2 , 4 minus, 6-12 ditch liner, 12-18 rip rap. Dirty egg rock, screened  concrete sand fine and course. AB3 base material, crushed concrete AB3 spec, crushed limestone ab3 spec, 1/4-3/4 clean crushed limestone.  3/4-11/2 clean crushed limestone, 11/2-21/2 clean crushed limestone, 21/2-4 clean crushed limestone, 4-8 clean crushed limestone, 1/8 minus aglime 70%+ Ks ECC.  Fill dirt, black dirt/ topsoil. Asphalt millings, screened asphalt millings.  Delivery available anywhere!  Call for pricing.  7856237744.
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