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McPherson, Kansas
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
605 Clicks


BRAND NEW in package Honda Motorcycle Petcock Assembly. Can find on Amazon for $54.00.  ASKING $30.00 OBO

Honda Petcock Valve Part Number: 16950-292-000

Substitutes/Replacement for: 16950-369-741, 16950-283-000

This Part is known to be Compatible with the following vehicles:

1967 Honda CB450
1968 Honda CB350
1968 Honda CL350
1969 Honda CB350
1969 Honda CB450
1970 Honda CB350
1970 Honda CB450
1970 Honda CL175
1971 Honda CB350
1971 Honda CB450
1972 Honda CB350
1972 Honda CB450
1973 Honda CB350
1973 Honda CB350G
1973 Honda CB450
1974 Honda CB360
1974 Honda CB450
1975 Honda CB360T
1975 Honda CL360
1976 Honda CB360T
1977 Honda CB360T

Please message through Nextech if interested.

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