Vita-Ferm Mineral, Z-tags & feed seed

4003 Co. Rd. I
Gove, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 1 hour ago
Expires in 5 days, 22 hours
3,770 Clicks


We have Concept-Aid Protein Meal mineral (Winter SALE)!!  Your cows need it ASAP to have, and raise a strong healthy/bloomy calf & breed back w/another one promptly! It doesn't cost, It PAYS!  We can save you $ on your ear tag needs; once you use one-piece Z-tags, you'll wonder why you didn't sooner.  :)  :) Also an early season price (thru Feb.) on Mucho Sweet feed seed- Cattle LOVE it!! THX...PLZ NO messaging here. Call (785) six73-9six22 and have a blessed day...every day!

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