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Federal 22lr LR Ammo, 1600 Rounds 36 gr hollowpoint plated

Oberlin, Kansas
Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
722 Clicks


1600  rounds Federal 22 lr Black Pack Ammo, 36 gr hollowpoint, copper plated. Packed in 32 boxes of 50 each.  Total $240.00.

Please contact me through the website.

Location is Oberlin KS and I can meet you there.

Unfortunately the price of ammunition has gone through the roof and will only get worse.  A quick check on ammo seek shows the cheapest 22lr ammo at 37 cents per round.  Check it out on ammoseek.com  The problem is the political climate plus production problems and there is very little ammo to be had.

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